Our Clubs and Organizations have something for everybody...

The Carseland & District Community Association & Agricultural Society is a registered non-profit charity that owns and operates the Carseland Community Hall, Carseland Recreations Center and the Carseland Millennium Ball Diamonds. These facilities are available to rent for events and celebrations. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month throughout the year.

THE CARSELAND LIONS CLUB has been an important contributor to this community for 62 years. The Lions Club meets the needs of our local communities and the world. The club holds a dinner meeting of the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm and a regular meeting on the third Tuesday at 8:00 pm. These meetings are used to plan and donate our time and money to various projects and organizations.
New members are always welcome so come and join us in helping to build a strong local community!
New members are always welcome so come and join us in helping to build a strong local community!

Since 1912 the Carseland Public Benefit Club the PB Club endeavors to assist in needed service areas that relate or affect Carseland and its surrounding population. Historically the PB Club has been for female members only until 1998, “open membership” was discussed and it was agreed that any community member was welcome to join. There has yet to be a male member. The
membership of the PB Club establishes and provides all program delivery, to benefit
membership of the PB Club establishes and provides all program delivery, to benefit

The Jet Setters Club was formed November 17, 1977. Today there are 80 members. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm at the Jet Setters room in the Community Hall with the exception of July and August Our membership is $5.00 and is open to anyone over 55. Our first meeting of the month is when we take care of business: read the minutes, treasure’s report, discuss past and future plans etc. and if time permits, play games and socialize. The second meeting of the month is for games, cards, and socializing.